Cir. 8/2019

Cir. 8/2019    re Branch Rep Training

Dear Branch Secretary,

The Association plans a one-day training course for branch representatives to be held on Thursday 11th April, 2019  in AHCPS Head Office.

The course is aimed at any members who are playing an active role in their branch at either secretary, chair or as a branch committee member and want a better understanding of how the union operates and how to more effectively carry out their role.

The course will cover the following:

  • Role of the Branch rep
  • AHCPS structures
  • C&A Scheme / WRC / Labour Court
  • Consensus building, negotiations and communication
  • Dealing with issues
  • Recruitment
  • Practical case study

The Course will run from 09:30 to 4:15 in AHCPS Head Office. Lunch will be provided. Normal T&S will apply for those outside Dublin.

Places are limited to 12 people. If there is sufficient interest we will run further courses.

If interested please register with Jackie Lacey at or 01 6686077.

Special leave for Union Training courses

Non-full-time representatives of staff associations/unions may be granted up to a limit of five days special leave with pay in any year to attend training courses which are designed specifically for such representatives and which are organised by their associations/unions or by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. To apply: Log on to PeoplePoint, select Non-Annual Leave, select Special Leave Manager from the drop-down menu. Fill out the online form.

Yours sincerely

Ciaran Rohan

General Secretary

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