Cir. 8/2018
Cir. 8/2018
To Branch Secretaries
Appointment of Mr Paul Malone as Deputy General Secretary of the AHCPS
Dear Branch Secretary
The AHCPS Executive Committee has appointed Mr Paul Malone as Deputy General Secretary of the Association following an open competitive process.
Paul is currently a member of the Association and working as PO/Head of HR in the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. Paul was appointed to that position in May 2017. Prior to that Paul worked in Solas/FÁS in a number of roles including HR/IR. While in Solas/FÁS Paul was an active member of the Branch Committee. He has considerable experience in HR/IR over a number of years and also has significant media experience. Paul also has a BA in Communications Studies, a Certificate in Personnel Practice (CIPD), a Diploma in Management, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education and Training Management and Master of Science in Human Resource Strategies.
Paul will take up his position within the next few weeks.
Please circulate to all members of the Association.
Ciaran Rohan
General Secretary