Bereavement Leave
The Association is pleased to announce that an increase in bereavement leave, particularly in the tragic circumstances of the death of a child or spouse / partner, has been agreement at the Civil Service General Council.
Bereavement leave on the death of a child or spouse / partner has increased from 5 days to 20 days. Bereavement leave on the death of other immediate relative has also increased from 3 to 5 days.
For the still birth or prenatal death of a child after 24 weeks’ pregnancy 10 days’ bereavement leave will be granted.
Please DPER circular 01/2017 for full details.
Members should also note that since August 2016 that a €5,000 grant may be paid on the death of a member or a member’s spouse/co habiting partner. Please contact a member of Head Office staff for full details.