AHCPS re Cir. 2/2025 Changes to the AHCPS Associate Member Subscription Rate

Cir. 02/2025


To Branch Secretaries


Changes to the AHCPS Associate Member Subscription Rates


Dear Branch Secretary,


As you are aware, the Association offers an Associate Membership option to members who have left the grades that we represent. There are two types of Associate Membership:


  • Members who have been promoted to Assistant Secretary or above.
  • Members who have retired from the Civil or Public Service.


The Executive Committee recently carried out a review of the subscription rates attaching to both categories of Associate membership. This review was necessary given the changing nature of the respective memberships since the last review which was over 10 years ago. Following the review, the Executive has decided on the following changes which take effect from 1st January 2025:


  • The annual fee for Associate members who have been promoted and who continue as serving civil/public servants will be increased from €100 per annum to €150 per annum.


  • Retired members will pay a one-off fee of €35 when taking out Associate Membership but will not pay any further annual subscription following this.



The above will be communicated to new and existing Associate members, but please circulate to all members to increase awareness of the changes.

A copy of this circular will be available on our website at www.ahcps.ie


Best regards

Ciaran Rohan (General Secretary)

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