AHCPS Circular 13/2022 Public Service Agreement update

31 August 2022

Dear member

I hope everyone is keeping well and that you all had a good break.

Discussions have concluded at the Workplace Relations Commission in relation to an extension to Building Momentum. Attached are the proposals.

In summary the proposals provide for an additional 6.5% over the years 2022 and 2023 as follows: 3% from 2/2/22 (backdated), 2% from 1/3/23 and 1.5% (or 750 euro whichever is the greater) from 1/10/23. This pay proposal is separate to the LEEF (Labour Employer Economic Forum) process. That process is looking at other cost of living issues such as taxation and fuel costs etc. The LEEF process will then feed into the budget.

These proposals will be discussed at the next meeting of the Executive on the 12th of September. At that meeting, the Executive will decide on whether to recommend the proposals to the members or not. That meeting will then be followed by a ballot of the membership. This ballot will then be included in an aggregate ballot of the ICTU Public Services Committee.

Best regards

Ciaran Rohan

General Secretary

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